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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Herbs as Salad & Health Enhancers

I'm love growing herbs! They are easy to grow in the garden or in containers. I grow them all over the Yard and in the Garden!  They have health benefits and not to mention they have some of the most palate popping flavors!  This lil mix has some of my favorite Salad enhancers. 

Chives ~ A perennial cousin of garlic and onion. Plant chives along with Tomatoes, Carrots, Greens & Cabbage they are known to repel aphids, fly, and Cabbage Worms. Chives belonging to the allium family have been used for ages for their flavor and their Medicinal properties including prevention of cancer and mood enhancement.

Red Sorrel ~ A perennial herb recognized by its red veins and sometimes called bloody Sorrel. Best picked when young and tender for additions to Salads. It makes a great stir-fry additive when the leaves mature.  The distinct lemony flavor gives it a sour bite which pairs it well with spring mix salad. It not only adds a pop to dishes it also aids the body in detoxification. It is filled with Vitamin C and several B Vitamins along with potassium, calcium, and magnesium. It is said the Native American would use Sorrell as an antidote for poison. Sorrel is fairly Hardy and easy to grow.

Cutting Celery~ This jewel is perfect for soups, salads, and various celery dishes.  The lacy leaves and delicate stems pack a punch of Celery flavor without the stringy stalk. This herb is known for its ability to aid arthritis, acidity in the body,  hypertension,  and weight loss.  It is believed the Ancient Greeks used celery to make wine and served it to winning athletes as a reward.  I think that says in itself that we all could use some celery in our lives.

Sweet Basil ~ A must in every herb garden and can be grown in a garden or container. I do have better results in the garden and able to harvest all season for fresh, dried and Freezer preservation. Yes, You can preserve fresh herbs in the fridge/ freezer.  I'll have that blog up soon.  This herb belongs to the mint family and has numerous health benefits ranging from digestive aid to fighting depression. If you grow anything, You should grow this herb!

Cinnamon Basil~ An easy to grow variant of Basil. This variety is similar to and often used as Thai Basil. I love the spicy sweet flavor this gives to Salads, Jellies, Drinks, Chicken and Thai dishes and often used in Mexican dishes. This type is best used fresh than dried and most potent as an extract or oil.

Again, I can not express my love of herbs and their many uses. We could all use the extra flavor and health benefits in our life's.

This is one of my Herb boxes after a cutback.   I like to cut the Cilantro, Oregano way back so they come back thick and quick! I think Thyme & Dill are my most complicated to grow.  

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